Friday, October 24, 2008

All About Autumn

I absolutely am crazy about this time of year. The fall is by far my favorite. I love a cozy sweatshirt and jeans, bonfires, pumpkins, enough chill in the morning to not want to get out of bed (OK - so I don't enjoy getting out of bed period), the way the sunset glows extra golden. My list goes on and on. But no matter why you enjoy fall, I think we all can agree on one thing - apple/pumpkin orchards rock. (I am sort of McGeyvor with apples. You give me one apple and I can make you just about any dessert you could want. Just a little ME trivia) And I really enjoy photographing in them. So here are a few from an apple orchard up in my neck of the woods - Broom's Orchard. They have the CUTEST owners (see below) and the best darn place to take a photo.
So here are some to share...
Laura & Jason
Engagement Session

Jada Beth - 9 month old session

OMG - is this cute or what!

The Broom Family

So get out there and enjoy it while you can. Before you know it I'll be busting out my boots with the fur and my turtlenecks telling you how I heart the holidays! Happy Fall!

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