Friday, November 28, 2008

Amy & Steven

Amy & Steven are the sweetest couple you ever did meet. Their love is so deep and pure, and their care and respect for one another is evident within seconds of speaking to them. We were so blessed to get the opportunity to be a part of their wedding day.
I think the strength of their love is evident not only in their photos, but in these three words...

And yes, I loved Amy's shoes

Amy looked like Mariah Carey to me on her wedding day. Now for those who know me well, you know that is a huge compliment because I used to have a slightly over the top obsession with M.C. It's OK, I'm better now. I haven't driven 9 hours for a concert or had her photo on my birthday cake in years!

And Steven. I don't think you could meet a man more polite or thoughtful. He is a gem.

He even read a verse at his own wedding. While so many grooms are focused on the party, he was focused on his faith. He made me cry during this part - Steven you SO rock!

LOVE this one!

See what I mean about the Mariah thing! Amy - you are SO pretty! (You are too Steve!)
Yummy sunshine!
This is actually my most favorite shot of the day. It's not creative or artsy - but it is just simply adorable!

Steve & Amy - It was an honor to be a part of your day. You are a great example to brides and grooms as to what love should be! Congrats!

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