I happen to love this photo that Roger shot. I know I'm a photo geek, and maybe some of you won't see my vision here in this "deep thought" but I love how the bride and groom frame this shot while the long set of tracks lie before them. It represents to me the future that lies ahead - a long road full of hopes and dreams. I LOVE the significance of this shot!
Angie - you are so beautiful.
I wanted a "WWII" feel for Angie & Richard's photos. It didn't consume the vision for the day, but I really feel like there is that vintage charm in all of them.
MMMM. By far the favorite shot that I personally took.
I love me some WIDE shots. Fo shizzle.
OK, Roger took this and it is my favorite photo he's ever taken. Everything about it is SO dreamy. I totally gave him a fist bump for this one. He is the bomb yo!
Angie - forgive me for including a photo of you smoking a cigar in your wedding dress and your puffy coat. I think everyone will wonder why this one is one of my favorite photos of the bride and groom. There's no fancy reason - I just love the lighting.
Richard - are you smiling because you know I'm almost done for the night or because the pretty girl wrapped around you?
Richard - are you smiling because you know I'm almost done for the night or because the pretty girl wrapped around you?
CLICK HERE for all of Angie and Richard's photos.
Now - I know it's coming. So I'm gonna just answer the question right now. "Why do Angie and Richard have over 200 photos of the two of them together and other weddings you shoot don't have that many?" So you think maybe I play favorites? No way Jose'. There are several reasons these two have SO many photos of the two of them, and I'll share with you why.
#3. First Glance - the saw one another prior to the ceremony. This always yields more photos.
#2. Timing - there was plenty of time allowed before and plenty in between. And the timing in between was the BEST time of day to shoot. We had plenty of good old fashioned light.
#1. Priorities - Pay attention here because this is the clincher. They knew what they wanted and what they wanted was photos of the two of them. They didn't get caught up in posed family photos, didn't care about altar photos, and didn't drag their wedding party around with them in the cold. Do they hate their family and their wedding party? Heck no. It just wasn't top on their priority list. Yes, wedding party shots are fun and if cool, fun wedding party shots are important to you then you shouldn't leave them out. But brides - here's a tip - it's a lot easier to have your groom's attention on you when the peanut gallery isn't yelling out obscenities when your kissing for a romantic shot. Also - you've never heard more complaints than a hot or cold wedding party. So choose them wisely. Either that or bribe them with treats to keep them quiet. (I'm a parent, when threats don't work, I bribe.)
Most of the time we get a good balance of everything. But if you do have something that is important to you - don't hesitate to make it a priority. It's YOUR day, so make sure it's about YOU!
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