Sunday, October 5, 2008

Long overdue

Sheesh. Sweet and Luke got married in August. I am way behind on blogging - and everything else. Many of you know what I've been going through the past couple weeks, and I thank so many of you who have kept us in your prayers and thoughts. We have the best clients and friends. So many of you are what keeps me going! So thank you.

So besides a new blog being overdue - here is a video sample that is even longer overdue.

Videos take us a long time to do. That's one of the reasons why we had to cut back and only take 2 combos from now on. Between editing photos, uploading photos, answering emails, doing work stuff (this list goes on and on), designing albums, and then finding over 40 hours to edit each video - well lets just say that we haven't seen a day off since our vacation, and a 8 hour workday sounds like a treat. It's bittersweet. We want to be busy, but everything else in regular life has really suffered.

But what joy the final product brings! Pamela and Michael's video brings tears to my eyes everytime I watch it. They are what true love looks like. And true friendship. This clip is an extra because all of their wedding party footage was so cute, we had to make a special part for their DVD to showcase it. Your wedding party is your nearest and dearest. The people you lean on when you need them. Sometimes it takes a hardship to realize how special they are to you! I hope this video reminds you how special your friends and loveones are!

Pamela & Michael from Karin Doolin on Vimeo.

PS - at the beginning of the 3rd clip - you must watch Pamela and Michael loving on one another like noone else exists. This is so them - so caught up in one another that they can drown out the utter chaos surrounding them. Don't you just LOVE them!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Hey Karin and Roger!!! We love it! thank you so much!