Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Joanna & Brian sittin in a tree...


Yes friends love is in the air. It was hot outside, but not quite as hot as these two!

A concert was going on while we were there, and the performer was right behind this door!

If you ever want to go to a AWESOME free concert - head out to Gordon Moore Park around 6:00 on Sunday and bring your lawn chairs! You might have to throw down with some 80 year olds to get a seat, but boy is it invigorating! Just ask Joanna and Brian - they were hooked!
(OK - so sarcasm doesn't always get conveyed in writing. The concert is some "bells" and they play songs like Wind Beneath My Wings and My Heart Will Go On. And apparently old people LOVE it and get VERY edgy when you interrupt it - or get close to the aforementioned door, so beware!)

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