Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bring on the photos!

This is a photography blog right? So where have the stinkin photos been lately, huh? Well, there has been alot going on personally and professionally that has kept me from perfecting my blogging prowess. However get ready folks, because we are going to have some photo fun for awhile. Because starting today, it is photo INSANITY!!!
Today, I give you Christine and Jeff. Now I want to preface this by telling you that these are NOT my MOST favorite pics of these two hotties. Why would I not post the faves? Am I mean? NO! I am saving them. Because they will be featured on our new website. Rewind - yes I did say NEW WEBSITE. I will share more later, but just keep in mind - a change is a comin!

So here are some tidbits that I can share!

Christine's Dress was AMAZING!

As well as the ceremony

Oh look - me and my good friend Ralph the limmo driver are in this shot.

On your wedding day there are lots of kisses
Cool out of focus kisses...

Sexy brick wall kisses...

Dramatic dipping kisses

I heart kissing

and I heart wedding parties...

Especially nice and fun wedding parties like this one!

I also enjoy a little sunflare with wedding parties

But seriously - lets end this with some more kisses...

Oops - that isn't a kiss - yet it is still lovely.

Now for more kissing, sunflare, and overall awesomeness, click HERE!

1 comment:

TBRNHM said...

BEAUTIFUL WORK!! Nice photo of you too Karin.